Centennial Celebration

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Back to School and more

 Sunday, August 17, will be a big day for Mount Hebron Wesleyan Church.
  • During Worship three students will be promoted to the Youth Group and our students and teachers will be sent back to school with our prayers and hugs. The students will receive a gift to remind them that they are special to us. 
  • Immediately following worship those interested in membership are to meet with Pastor Todd. 
  • At 4pm a Baptism Service will be held in the creek above Carter and Faye Burgin's home. If you are interested in participating in this meaningful and Blessed event please call Pastor Todd. At 6pm our students and teachers will be honored with homemade ice cream and finger foods. There will be games for all ages. It will be a wonderful evening for students and teachers to remember as they head back to the schoolhouse.

For the Youth:
  • S.W.A.T. has meetings at 6pm on Sundays and 7pm on Wednesdays.
  • The Praise Band has practice at 5pm on Sundays.
  • There is a new Sunday School topic entitled "What We Believe: Back to the Basics." This group is a witness to all of us.
Mount Hebron Wesleyan Church is so Blessed by Jesus to have so many young people finding their way to Him.

For the Adults: 

  • "Come Alive at 8:55" class is beginning on a new series "Heaven and the Afterlife." The book being studied by James Garlow, a Wesleyan Pastor, is providing very thought provoking ideas.
  • The Wednesday night Bible study on Revelation is another opportunity to dig into God's Word. Pastor Todd is digging deep for us to learn more about this book that can be confusing. Most of Chapter 7 was studied on August 13th and on August 20th we will be finish it and go into Chapter 8. Even if you have not been to any of the sessions you are welcome to start your "dig" as each chapter so far has presented different meanings and thoughts with many more to come with each new chapter.

Looking ahead:
  • September 20 is the Christian Music Day at Carowinds. Some of the bands to be there are: "Toby Mac," "Building 429" and "MercyMe." More details will be coming but put this date on your calendar.
submitted by Ann King

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Busy Summer Days

The trip to the Jungle was great with a number of children attending Vacation Bible School to learn more about Jesus. The staff did a wonderful job of leading the children along their path to becoming dedicated Christians.

July has been flying by since the busy 4th of July weekend. Hopefully the meaning of the 4th of July came into your thoughts and prayers. We are here in America because others searched for another place to live and endured many hardships to find that place, others decided that this new place to live must be free of tyranny and they placed their lives "on the line" to obtain that freedom. In the years since the 1700's many many others have also placed their lives "on the line" to secure the freedoms we now enjoy every day. May God bless America's freedoms!

In the remaining summer days, many will be traveling or enjoying some days free from a "work" schedule. We need to pray for each other's safety and meaningful relaxation. From the "Leaves of Gold" comes this suggestion:
"Neither clocks nor people are of much use when the springs
that ought to keep them going are neglected."

Keep your Bible handy and give it your daily attention. It will keep you going and make your free moments pleasing to God.

Upcoming Events

On Wednesdays, Pastor Todd continues with the Bible Study on Revelation. Please come even if you have not been at other times. As John Quincy Adams said: The Bible is the book of all others to be read at all ages and in all conditions of human life ..."

If you would like to become a member of Mount Hebron Wesleyan Church please contact Pastor Todd. Baptism service will also be scheduled if you would like to be a part of this Holy experience. Pastor Todd will do this for you so let him know if you would like to participate.

On August 3rd, following Morning Worship, the Church Conference will be held to adopt the Budget for 2014-2015. Your presence will be needed for this important meeting. On the same day the Local Board of Administration will meet at 4pm. If you cannot attend please inform Pastor Todd.

"Come Alive at 8:55" class, led by Greta Fletcher, is starting a new study series at Sunday School time. The new study is on James Garlow's book "Heaven and the Afterlife". On July 27th Chapter One was used at an introduction to the study so it is not too late to join the class at 8:55 on Sunday mornings.

The youth group, S.W.A.T., meets at 6pm on Sundays and 7pm on Wednesdays. It is an active group with varied activities. On August 16, they are going to see the Hickory Crawdads baseball team play. Then they are going to Christian concert of "Kutless." The cost is $16 per person. See Amy Deyton by July 30th if you would like to go.

August 17 is going to be a busy day. During morning worship special prayers for students and teachers will be given to send God with them on a safe, productive school year. That evening our students and teachers will be honored with all joining them enjoying homemade ice cream and finger foods. This will be fun evening with games for all and good fellowship.

Looking ahead to September 20 when there will be a trip to Carowinds for their Christian Music Day. Among the bands are Toby Mac, Building 429, and MercyMe. Details will come later.
submitted by Ann King

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Recent Happenings

Recently Mount Hebron Wesleyan Church gave their best wishes to two graduates, Kayla Morris and Rylie Lytle. A reception was held in their honor. Their families heard about the Godly impact these two young women have made on the congregation. We pray their futures are meaningful to them and to those they come in contact.

June 16th to the 18th Bob and Brenda Parks attended the District Conference in Hickory. They heard many good and uplifting reports on the Church. They were blessed by services and all they learned.

Those attending Camp Wesley will return home on June 21st. Their Church family is looking forward to the stories of God Happenings they encountered. What a blessing for all who attended and for those who were staff to see Jesus working in their midst.

Upcoming is a Holy trip to the Jungle! Vacation Bible School will start June 22nd and go through the 27th. Snacks will be served on Sunday, the 22nd. Dinner will be served at 6pm Monday through Friday. "Water Day" will be on Friday. Commencement will be Sunday, the 29th, during Morning Worship. The staff is looking forward to trekking through the jungle to help the children learn more about their Friend, Jesus.

Wednesday night Bible study continues on "Revelation." Jessica Tipton ably lead the Wednesday night session last week. In the weeks to come Pastor Todd will bring us insight into more of Chapters 1 through 3. You are welcome to join in on this learning experience about God's Word.

Submitted by Ann King