O Eternal Father, help me, I beseech Thee, to bring forth in my life the fruits of the Spirit; the fruit of Love, that I may love Thee above all things, and all others in Thee and for Thy sake; the fruit of Joy, that I may find Thy service my delight; the fruit of Peace, that, pardoned and accepted through Thy mercy, I may repose in Thy love; the fruit of Long-suffering, that I may bear, with patient submission to Thy will, all crosses and afflictions; the fruit of Gentleness, that I may subdue all risings of temper, and take calmly and sweetly all trials and provocations; the fruit of Meekness, that I may forgive freely all who may hurt me either by word or deed, and endure with patience all that may be laid upon me; the fruit of Temperance that I may restrain all my desires, bringing them into subjection in all things to Thy holy will - Amen
devotion submitted by Shirley Arrowood