June 16th to the 18th Bob and Brenda Parks attended the District Conference in Hickory. They heard many good and uplifting reports on the Church. They were blessed by services and all they learned.
Those attending Camp Wesley will return home on June 21st. Their Church family is looking forward to the stories of God Happenings they encountered. What a blessing for all who attended and for those who were staff to see Jesus working in their midst.
Upcoming is a Holy trip to the Jungle! Vacation Bible School will start June 22nd and go through the 27th. Snacks will be served on Sunday, the 22nd. Dinner will be served at 6pm Monday through Friday. "Water Day" will be on Friday. Commencement will be Sunday, the 29th, during Morning Worship. The staff is looking forward to trekking through the jungle to help the children learn more about their Friend, Jesus.
Wednesday night Bible study continues on "Revelation." Jessica Tipton ably lead the Wednesday night session last week. In the weeks to come Pastor Todd will bring us insight into more of Chapters 1 through 3. You are welcome to join in on this learning experience about God's Word.
Submitted by Ann King